Who Sells the Cheapest CooperVision Contacts?

Browse all of the top name contact lenses from CooperVision to compare prices from leading providers.

CooperVision Contacts Price Comparison

Product Save Up To Deliver Contacts Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4 Comp 5
Clariti 1-day (30pk) 18% $25.52 not listed $23.80 not listed $30.99 $24.95
Clariti 1-day (90pk) 13% $54.94 $55.99 $61.20 $61.61 $62.99 $62.95
Clariti toric 1-day (30pk) 27% $32.65 $39.99 $39.95 $44.82 $38.99 $39.95
Clariti toric 1-day (90pk) 19% $68.49 $69.59 $69.70 $71.61 $81.99 $84.95
Clariti multifocal 1-day (30pk) 36% $35.65 $49.59 $49.30 $55.82 $42.99 $39.95
Clariti multifocal 1-day (90pk) 25% $74.49 $75.99 $75.65 $82.61 $98.99 $96.95
MyDay 1-day (90pk) 21% $66.49 $67.19 $74.80 $84.61 $81.99 $79.95
MyDay 1-day (180pk) 11% $128.66 not listed $144.50 not listed not listed $142.95
MyDay Toric 1-day (90pk) 29% $88.75 $79.99 $83.30 $125.61 not listed $99.00
ProClear 1-day (90pk) 12% $58.78 $65.99 $65.45 $66.61 $66.99 $62.95
ProClear 1-day Multifocal (90pk) 14% $83.68 $81.59 $83.30 $94.61 $94.99 $96.95
Proclear 1-month (6pk) 19% $46.70 $51.99 $51.85 $57.74 $56.99 $39.95
Proclear Toric 1-month (6pk) 33% $58.44 $78.39 $78.20 $86.99 $67.99 $57.95
Proclear Multifocal 1-month (6pk) 37% $67.75 $95.99 not listed $106.99 $75.99 $69.95
Avaira Vitality 1-month (6pk) 17% $27.48 $31.19 $32.30 $28.74 $32.99 $29.95
Avaira Vitality Toric 1-month (6pk) 25% $32.22 $33.59 $39.10 $38.74 $37.99 $42.95
Biofinity 1-month (6pk) 15% $38.94 $43.99 $44.20 $39.49 $45.99 $42.95
Biofinity Energys 1-month (6pk) 20% $40.29 $49.59 $50.15 $48.49 $45.99 $48.95
Biofinity XR 1-month (6pk) 20% $42.16 $51.19 $51.00 $52.99 not listed $48.95
Biofinity Toric 1-month (6pk) 20% $51.26 $59.99 $61.20 $56.49 $59.99 $63.95
Biofinity Multifocal 1-month (6pk) 12% $67.09 $69.59 not listed $75.99 $75.99 $73.95
Biomedics Toric 26% $37.68 $41.59 $41.65 $50.86 $42.99 $46.99

Data accurate based on website listings as of 10/27/2022

We’ve selected some of the biggest name brands in contact lenses to compare ourselves against, to ensure that we truly are giving you the best price possible. We will not include the names of competitors directly, but can assure you these are real prices from top stores for the exact same products.

These comparisons were completed with every intent to be precise. We urge you to verify and compare for yourself as prices for other companies may vary and promotions may be available. Please do your research and find out for yourself how amazing the prices are at DeliverContacts.com.

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The Deliver Contacts Viewpoint

Deliver Contacts is in the business of selling top brand contact lenses at the best prices on the internet with free delivery, but not at the expense of our customers’ comfort and eye health. We want to give you the same top quality products at the best price.

The industry of eye health care is currently being tested and pushed to limit the standards on contact lenses. Deliver Contacts affirms that contacts should continue to be fit by licensed professionals and supports the stance of the American Optometric Association (AOA) and their own Michigan Optometric Association (MOA) in their continued leadership to protect the ocular health of the American people.

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