Dailies Total1® Multifocal (90 pack)

Original price was: $172.75.Current price is: $124.99.

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Dailies Total1® Multifocal (90 pack)

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Select Your Prescription

⚠️ Each eye must be added to the cart individually.

Left Eye (OS)

Right Eye (OD)

Brand: Dailies

Wear Schedule: Daily Disposable

Lens Purpose: Presbyopia     


Precision Profile® Design


Water Gradient surface

Nearly 100% Water-Surface Disposable Contact Lenses

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a contact lens that felt like “nothing” on your eye?

Alcon has introduced the Dailies Total1® line of contact lenses to do just that!

It is a concept that you have to feel to believe, but it is supported by this innovative lens design which includes the latest in contact lenses:

  • Water Gradient Technology surface material
  • SmarTears® Technology
  • PRECISION BALANCE 8|4® lens design (for astigmatism)

All of this technology makes these one-day disposable contacts a uniquely comfortable fitting lens.

Water Gradient Technology

Water Gradient Technology is what makes the Dailies Total1® cast of lenses so unique.

This design has found a way to create nearly 100% water content at the surface of these contacts. 

If the lens surface is water and our tear is composed mostly of water, then this contact lens really should “feel like nothing” on your eye and provide maximal comfort in these breathable contacts.


SmarTears® Technology

Besides water, lipids are another important component of a tear layer. 

In addition to the Water Gradient Technology, SmarTears® Technology features the release of ingredients found naturally in tears that helps to stabilize the lipid layer of the tear film, according to Alcon. 

This combination of ingredients increases the comfort for the wearer.


Dailies Total1® Pricing Comparison always has low prices with FREE delivery.

When compared to other online companies, it is easy to recognize that is the place to go. 

Data accurate based on provider websites as of 10/10/2022.


Provider Dailies Total1® Multifocal (90 pack)
Competitor 1 $109.99
Competitor 2 $111.99
Competitor 3 $124.00
Competitor 4 $139.95



Dailies Total1® Parameters & Specs


  • Base Curve: 8.6
  • Diameter: 14.5

Power Ranges

  • Sphere Power: +4.00 through -8.00

Handling Tint

  • 8.5 mm
  • 14.1 mm
  • +6.00 to +10.00 (in 0.25 steps)


  • Light Blue VISITINT® Material
  • delefilcon A

Contact Use: Wear & Replace Schedule

These lenses are intended for daily use and are disposable. These lenses are not intended to be cleaned or disinfected and should be discarded after a single use.


Dailies Total1® Multifocal Prescription Availability

You can get the Alcon Dailies Total1® disposable contacts in a variety of prescriptions. 

Using the order form above, you can set each eye individually to cater to your specific prescription.

The Dailies Total1® comes in several options for quantity and lens type needs:


Lens Options





Instead of having to wear bifocal glasses all the time, you can insert a fresh new Dailies Total1® Multifocal contact each day that is designed to focus for you. 

This is a great option for anyone who is tired of using reading glasses and wants the ability to focus clearly up close as well as at a distance with a contact lens.

Combined with the extra breathability, Water Gradient Technology, and SmarTears® Technology, this lens provides the perfect option for maximum comfort and vision to anyone requiring bifocal or trifocal lenses.


Astigmatism Support

These lenses are also available in a variety that supports those with astigmatism.

  • Dailies Total1® for Astigmatism 30-pack
  • Dailies Total1® for Astigmatism 90-pack


Why Trust Alcon Dailies Total1®?

When you put a fresh new pair of contacts on your eye each day and combine that with superior oxygen breathability of a lens, Water Gradient Technology, and  SmarTears® Technology, how could you possibly go wrong? 

Alcon claims that 9 out of 10 wearers agreed that Dailies Total1® contact lenses are so comfortable they sometimes forget they are wearing them.  


Eye care professionals should be consulted for any questions or concerns with contact lens use. A valid prescription provided by a licensed professional resulting from an eye exam is required for the purchase of contacts through


Important Safety Information

Contact Lenses are intended for vision correction. As with any contact lens, eye problems, including corneal ulcers, can develop. Some wearers may experience mild irritation, itching or discomfort. Lenses should not be prescribed or used if the patient/wearer has any eye infection, or experiences eye discomfort, excessive tearing, vision changes, redness or other eye problems. Consult the package insert for complete information. Complete information is also available from the contact lens manufacturer.

Additional information

Sphere Power

-10.00, -9.75, -9.50, -9.25, -9.00, -8.75, -8.50, -8.25, -8.00, -7.75, -7.50, -7.25, -7.00, -6.75, -6.50, -6.25, -6.00, -5.75, -5.50, -5.25, -5.00, -4.75, -4.50, -4.25, -4.00, -3.75, -3.50, -3.25, -3.00, -2.75, -2.50, -2.25, -2.00, -1.75, -1.50, -1.25, -1.00, -0.75, -0.50, -0.25, 0.00, +0.25, +0.50, +0.75, +1.00, +1.25, +1.50, +1.75, +2.00, +2.25, +2.50, +2.75, +3.00, +3.25, +3.50, +3.75, +4.00, +4.25, +4.50, +4.75, +5.00, +5.25, +5.50, +5.75, +6.00


Low, Med, High

Wearing Schedule

1-day Daily Disposable


Base Curve




(DK/t) Oxygen Transmission


Water Content


Customer Reviews